Best Real Estate Selling Agent in Glendale California: Selling $250K Over Asking Is Not Unseen

California is an exceptionally popular state for people to relocate to for a variety of reasons. World-class universities and the hub of technology for the globe are in California. This means real estate is a very valuable commodity.

Vic Markarian is a real estate selling agent in Glendale, CA. He sees properties come onto and off of the market with regularity. More importantly, he sees home become bidding battles.

“It is common for a home to sell over the asking price with many different offers made on the home. It is not uncommon for a home to sell for over a quarter of a million dollars over the asking price,” said Markarian, speaking as a real estate selling agent in Glendale, California.

These homes are already in the multi-million dollar range, so the extra $250,000.00 offered on a home is not as bad as it may seem. However, smaller, more reasonably priced homes do sell over asking price with regularity as well – just not that much.

Those looking to relocate to the Glendale area or are looking to upgrade or downgrade should give Markarian a careful look. He does not lock clients into unfair contracts or take outrageous commissions. This means clients have a much more relaxed and no pressure experience when looking into homes and other properties.

Markarian Realty has a variety of properties available on its website with regular changes made from properties moving onto and off of the market. Regular visits are recommended. Go to or for details.


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